Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Real Friends

I dont understand how hard it is to pick up a phone or drop by. A year ago I wanted so bad to move back to the city where I went to school so I could be around my friends. A year later I find it doesnt matter where I am, because I dont really matter to them. the people whom I have dropped everything for, fought for and valued our friendship dont even send me a hello on a social network I think was only invented to make you think you have friends. I may have 2 children but that does not mean I am a different person, I have certainly not changed for the worse in the areas that I have. Even when you tell the people you care about that you do, it doesnt change anything. I never knew life could be so lonley, that someone could long for the interaction of just one person regularly someone who you can call and no matter what time it is they show up. One who stops by because they heard a song about you, or because they were in the area. I would for someone who would care. I just dont get it.... I am so tired of being alone, of having so little interaction, of laughing so little and always feeling caged in my own home. all I need is a friend. of course my significant other is my best friend, but its really sad when thats what we want together... when we both crave friendship...

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